After reading this guidebook, you should have no extra time and no excuses. The plan is already laid out for you, it's on you to execute.
Max’s business has been built around generating leads through online advertising that engages the targeted clientele to reach out directly to him. He believes this is the quickest and most efficient way to grow a commercial real estate business. In this guidebook, he provides the path to growing a commercial real estate business through technology, online advertising, door knocking, cold calling, snail mail and other lead-generating strategies in an affordable and highly effective manner.
The intention of this guidebook is to provide a 32 page game plan to building a highly profitable commercial real estate business. Max has spent years building this blueprint for other agents and proved its effectiveness with 335 transactions in the past 4 years.
The intention of this guidebook is to provide a 32 page game plan to building a highly profitable commercial real estate business. Max has spent years building this blueprint for other agents and proved its effectiveness with 335 transactions in the past 4 years.
Max specializes in the leasing and sale of industrial and business park properties, including flex/research and development, warehouse, distribution, and manufacturing space in Tucson, Arizona.